b'Industry Benchmarks & Evidence Based DesignDesign Thinking Towards Better Outcomes through the process of Define, Design and DeliverEvidence Based Approach Design Thinking CapabilitiesAt HKS, research enables ourDesign Diagnosticsdesigners to create innovativeCurrent state analysis of building environments based on the bestareas to inform future space possible information and insight. Autilisation, workflow, user experience, foundation that supports our designwalking distances and noise analysis.solutions, design research offers our clients an extra measure of assuranceExperience Mappingthat there is sound evidence andResearch to understand the user/intentionality behind each of ourinhabitant experience and journey in decisions.detail and provides a road map for We hold our designs accountabledesign.to high standards by committing toParametric Designassessing outcomes, opportunitiesReal-time modelling to predict for improvement, and tangible returnhow design impacts functional on investment. We believe thatperformance such as staff travel informed intent, and meaningful (anddistances, adjacency and visibility.measurable) impact, are core tenets of responsible design and innovativeDeep Divepractice. In-depth research from papers, With a flat organisational hierarchy,experts and user groups, creating the the team can work without bordersevidence base to inform design intent to ensure a well integrated designand impact.process from both experienced andLean Planningfresh eye designer architects, allowingTools and techniques from a number us to create well-designed solutionsof performance improvement that is both innovative and sound inmethodology, to reduce operational evidence-based experience. waste and improve process flow before design begins.PrototypingHigh to low fidelity prototyping including 3D printing, Virtual Reality, physical mockups and immersive hybrid environments.11'