b'HKS Case StudyDesign Thinking in Action | HKS Case Study | ProMedica Health & Wellness,36%USA Reduction in A flexible, operationally efficientwalking distancesambulatory care centre, a catalyst for behaviour change, from healthy food86%to physical activity. Through designPatient & Familydiagnostics, experience mapping andSatisfactionparametric analysis, the design was able to reduce clinical team walking and optimise space efficiency.HKS Case Study | Akron ChildrensS$80MHospital, USA Cost savings throughEvidence-based and lean principleslean processeswere combined with rapid prototyping and full-scale mock-ups. Occupancy2 MONTHSevaluations revealed favourable results.CompletionThe project was before schedule andbefore scheduleunder-budget, and has received awards including the EBD touchstone award.HKS Case Study | Nursing HomeDesigned for elderly Typology Research, Singapore & dementia careThe design research incorporated a large evidence base, studies of existingParametric facilities and community engagementDesign & Analysisto determine a new typology for nursing homes in Singapore. The research was applied to a facility design in a given site context, and parametric tools were used to optimise the planning.Buchan+HKS 12'