b'Allegheny Health Network Wexford Hospital Wexford, Pennsylvania, USAServices Project DescriptionArchitecture Allegheny Health Network enlisted HKSTo satisfy setback limitations and to expand its outpatient campus byheight restrictions, the hospitals Interior Design designing an inpatient hospital thatpatient tower extends beyond the Structural Engineering brings the same high level of care ofpodium, creating a large overhang its urban hubs to the Wexford suburbabove the main entrance of the Sustainable Design north of Pittsburgh. The existinghospital with a dedicated loop for outpatient pavilion was built in thesheltered pick-up and drop-off.center of its site and surroundedAHN Wexford Hospital offers an on three sides by surface parkingabundance of care, including women lots, leaving a small area with steepand infant care, labor and delivery, topography, tight setbacks and heightadvance cardiac care, neurosurgery, limitations for expansion.orthopedics, oncology, 24-hour The overhang of theIn addition to a strong focus onemergency care and neonatal and tower is the worldsresponsible design and sustainability,adult intensive care. Bedside access first Vierendeel Trussthe design team took a value- to patient electronic health records, to use SidePlatebased design approach centeredtelemedicine and remote monitoring technology, resultingon eight guiding principles:increases both the quality and in the use of 31% lessthinking ahead, enhanced brand,efficiency of care.steel and onsite labor. connected to community, focused care, coordinated care, caregiver satisfaction, improved user experience and flexibility.45'