b'HospitalsHKS | Taikang Chengdu International Medical Center | Chengdu, ChinaHealthcare DesignThe way people in health work,us, Buchan+HKS carefully plan theWe consult and collaborate with collaborate and educate hasfacility for the correct capacity andstakeholders, identifying issues to be become far less isolated and moresize. addressed, challenges to be met and collaborative. At the core of theseTo complement the health planningopportunities to be captured. This way, community needs is the public heartof hospitals, we look to placemaking.the planning and design process from of the facility, a place where; patients,Good placemaking is not solelythe outset creates a strong sense of visitors, academics, operational staff,about the nuts and bolts of theownership among all involved. administration staff and medicalarchitecture, it is about the integrationWe also strive, where possible, to professionals can receive and deliverof considered, nuanced design thatinvolve the medical staff and key optimal health care and educationmeets a broad span of needs, servesstakeholders in the design process - services. As such, designers need toa wide cohort of end users and willthe planning and design of a health create an environment that promotesplay a hand in the experience of thoseenvironment is an ideal way for the and facilitates a safe space for thisusers and their relationship with thestakeholders to learn not only about interaction to occur. space. Our process and approach aretheir environment, but also to impart Together, Buchan and HKS have thededicated to maximising:and share their insights with design experience and perspective to createFunctionality professionals as part of the process healthcare facilities that meet todaysand help to shape the design itself.challenges while positioning them forFlexibilitythe future. Opportunities exist during the planning and design phases thatSustainabilitycan have a significant and positive impact on the efficiency, quality, andBuildabilityprofitability of the facility.Design quality and aestheticsIn determining the appropriateEfficiencyservices to be provided, the investment dollars are focused on theEconomy of construction areas of greatest need and revenue opportunity for its target market(s).Maintenance and durability with With decades of experience betweenminimal life-cycle costs29'