b'HARMONYAriake Gymnastics Centre The Ariake Gymnastics Centre was designed to function in twoThe arena ceiling is a wood frame structure designed to reduce the weight ofProject by:phases; initially as a temporary international sports competitionthe overall structure. The concourse space, where spectators approach theNikken Sekkei TOKYO, JAPAN facility, then, after taking out the temporary spectator stands,arena, is intentionally placed outdoors. The wood facade takes into accountClient:converted into a permanent exhibition hall.acoustic and thermal insulation properties. Function, structure, and spaceThe Tokyo A unique feature of this facility is its extensive and are tightly combined to achieve beauty and richness in simplicity, which isOrganising generous use of timber throughout the building. This is athe essence of Japanese traditional wood architecture that spectators andCommitteepositive realisation of wooded facilities and sustainabilityathletes from all over the world will experience. of the Olympicannounced in the Tokyo 2020 candidacy file. The material The site is located in the midst of a vast, wide-open landscape along a canal.and ParalympicGameswas also selected to express the memory of this district Yet the design also needed to take into account the residential environment which was once a timber storage pond. Based on theof the medium-rise and high-rise condominium buildings in the vicinity. TheSite Area:architectural concept of a wooden vessel floating in the horizontally long and flowing lines were achieved by keeping the building93,400sqmbay area, timber is used wherever possible, specifically in height as low as possible, reducing the overall volume and controlling theTotal Floor Area:the roof frame structure, facade, spectator seats and exteriorheight of the eaves. By positioning the circulation concourse on the outside39,300sqmwalls, while carefully considering the characteristics of the building and creating an open and broad approach space, the designCompletion: of wood in each application.attempts to avoid the impenetrable exterior typically found on large-scale2019sports facilities created by the monolithic walls.'