b'COMMUNITYCamp Nou Europes largest stadium was designed in 1953 by architectThe proposal features an open facade without exterior walls toProject by: Francesc Mitjans. Ever since, it is known worldwide as thetake advantage of the mild Mediterranean climate. Instead of walls,Nikken Sekkei SPAIN, EUROPEhome stadium of FC Barcelona.it surrounds the stadium periphery with a triple-level concoursePascual - Ausi ArquitectesIn 2015, an international competition was held for proposals toterrace. From the inside, this will provide views over the cityscape ofSite Area:deal with the aging of the existing stadium and renovations ofBarcelona, while the activities of people at the stadium will be visible55,000sqmits functions. The winning proposal was submitted by Nikkenfrom the city. The semi-outdoor concourse terrace will have moreGFA: Sekkei + Pascual - Ausi Arquitectes. While retaining thethan twice the conventional width. 104,000sqmessence of the existing stadium and inheriting elements suchIn addition to serving as a circulation passageway, it will be a publicCompletion: as the large roof, the proposal aims to go beyond the categoryspace that generates a variety of activities, such as provision of food Currentof spectator stadium to provide a diverse range of experiencesand drinks. in the facility with many ways to spend time. Through thisServices:renovation, Camp Nou will be reborn as a stadium that is openArchitectureto the city and its residents.MasterplanningFeatures:105,000 Seats'