b'Designing for Climate Positive This will require investment houses to amend theirThe International Olympic Committee (IOC) has challengedrisk premiums to support investments in transitional the global sport community to adopt strategies that go beyondmanufacturing and energy sourcing, and businesses that carbon neutrality or a zero-carbon approach with carbonrequire major retooling to meet zero carbon, and ultimately, off-sets to designing sports stadia and arenas to a moreclimate positive metrics. ambitious agenda of regenerative design which aims bothTransport solutions for getting fans to the stadium,for energy independence through renewable sources and tohow much a stadium can contribute to its surrounding simultaneously take carbon out of the atmosphere.neighbourhoods, more robust landscape solutions that The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games aresequester carbon, and innovative materials that absorb,positioned to be the first climate positive games through itsfilter or reuse carbon will become key building featurescontractual obligations to the IOC. in the future, some of which the technology remainsin a development phase or not as yet invested. This agenda requires design solutions that go beyond currentIn the interim, a careful audit of the entire site selection sustainability principles, practices and metrics of water andprocess, design and construction, operational and end of life energy efficiency, waste and emission reductions and recyclingprocess needs to be considered if we, as a collective design or upcycling building waste materials. A carbon footprint canand procurement community, are to successfully head down no longer be off-set with carbon credits in order to meet the path of climate positive outcomes in the delivery of a new net-zero targets. city stadium.A much broader approach is required to meet climate positiveA key question in moving towards climate positive outcomes ambitions which include a whole-of-industry approach,is how will we be able to measure success in meeting climate including Government and businesses aligning design andpositive targets?procurement processes that looks at climate positive frameworks in how materials are sourced and manufactured,Part of the answer will be arriving at 2032 with Olympic and how they are transported to site, how the building is assembledParalympic Game venues that have been designed as energy and the energy required to create the new stadium, in additionindependent with building materials sourced and waste to careful material selections and operational efficienciesrecycled and regenerated via new circular economy business that ultimately make a venue energy independent and wasteand operational frameworks, clean transport solutions and systems that feed a circular economy.nature thriving back in the inner city. Any sporting venue that operates as a genuine community asset, contributes to the health, wellbeing and lifestyle requirements of the surrounding neighbourhoods on an activated seven day, twenty-four hour basis.Key Olympic Drivers'