b'Game Day ExperienceSupported by the experience on an event is how fans now Over the past twenty years, stadium and arena designs haveengage with the event. Technology plays an important part continued to evolve and change dramatically. Historically,in the digital environment however the physical assets play a stadium design evolved from a coliseum style seating bowl key role in the operational framework also. Engagement with - where all seats were exactly the same with two to threesponsors before, during and after the game continues to grow different ticket prices irrespective of seat locationto currentin importance from a fan experience and revenue generation day venues that offer a broader range of seating types,perspective. Opportunities to connect with the team as a fan categories and price points which are twined with a level oftranslates to specific offerings within the seating bowl and hospitality and game day experience such as car parkinghospitality spaces within the stadium itself.access, dining options, interaction with the sporting stars afterBeyond robust Wi-Fi and cellular networks which allow fans a game or level of interaction with the media and sponsors. to access social media, streaming replays and sharing their As we transition from a price orientated strategy for ticketing,experiences in real time, integrated augmented reality (AR) to an experience-based strategy, philosophically this translatesand virtual reality (VR) technologies take fan immersive to providing a quality of experience irrespective of ticketexperiences to a different level, which may include virtual price. This approach begins to bring together a broader rangetours of the teams warm up and lockers areas, to instant of experience opportunities which can translate into non- replays from different angles or interactive games. Interactive event day uses for the stadium asset. More significantly is thedigital signage, contactless services, and mobile apps for underlying framework which ties together all the variety ofpersonalised service introduce services and engagement offerings within a localised cultural, artistic and experientialbased on a fans preferences and behaviours.setting to further reinforce a sense of place. Event engagement also extends beyond the stadium to the Flexibility in how spaces can be programmed and reshapedprecinct as a whole, and how the precinct connects back during a game, and on non-game days, will also continue tointo the wider city. Providing seamless connectivity and evolve. Major events are an opportunity to bring together aaccessibility to the citys transportation network, with real time broad range of people for diverse reasons who will continue toupdates and digital ticketing aim to reduce congestion and wait have growing levels of expectations on what can be enjoyedtimes to improve the overall fan experience and engagement as a trade off to a time commitment to attend an event. Thewith the event. This overlays onto a sense of security and stadium then becomes a wider social interactive platform thatsafety where data analytics and sensors can ensure a level of allows concurrent activities to occur simultaneously. comfort provided to the fan. Data sharing between sporting venues, city agencies and technology companies combine for better event and crowd management, traffic controls, and general levels of safety.Key Olympic Drivers'