b'Thinking LegacyAmbitions towards a climate positive Games is likely to drive The legacy plans leading up to Brisbane 2032 Olympic andmuch new technological and manufacturing advances that Paralympic Games, and for the ten plus years after the Games,create a positive economic legacy. Designing Olympic and will mean different things to different people. In essence,Paralympic Venues with the smallest environmental footprint legacy will be about the tangible benefits to the community,possible, combined with new clean building and procurement economy and the environment through the Governmentsprocesses will contribute towards a positive legacy outcome. investment into new and remodelled sporting assets as a directPlanting of a legacy forest today creates urban habitat and result of hosting the 2032 Games. biodiversity, and cooler places and carbon sequestration for future generations. The ambitions of the Brisbane 2032 Games OrganisingFrom a design perspective, legacy is also about creating Committee, and the Queensland Government is a legacy thatmeaning, stories and collective memories and celebrating and can be experienced locally, regionally, nationally, and acrosscommemorating those values which are most important to us.Oceania. The strongest legacy ideas will be those that have theThis idea extends to creating iconic buildings and experiences most far reaching and long-lasting benefits through bold vision,that tell the stories of the worlds oldest living cultures in their transformative intent with catalytic outcomes. Celebrating theown way, and a place for truth-telling, truth hearing, creativity worlds oldest living cultures will be at the heart of Brisbaneand cultural expression. Creating venues where indigenous and 2032 and at the heart of the legacy plan. The importance ofnon-indigenous children can come together as equals to learn, creating an inclusive, accessible and barrier free society forplay and grow up in an environment that is safe and supportive people with disability is also a key criterion. may be a significant legacy outcome to strive for.To date the four consistent themes that have emerged throughOur Design Alliance has the ability, capability and experience community consultation has been to ensure a broadening ofto address legacy outcomes on a number of difference levels sport, health and social inclusion in the legacy planning. Alsoand across different industries and Government agencies attention to a better future for our environment, connectingbased on our collective ability to identify the broad range of people, communities and businesses both regionally andbenefits and opportunities sporting venues can deliver when globally. And a genuine contribution to the economy, jobintegrated into the economy and local community within a well creation and innovation. thought out framework.Key Olympic Drivers'