b'20 32 The road to delivering the Olympics is not without itsIt is for these reasons the Design Alliance of Buchan, HKS, and challenges. With a surge of athletes, officials, VIPs, media andNikken Sekkei, together with NRA Collaborative and Aurecon, fervent sports enthusiasts descending upon our city in 2032,has chosen to combine our collective wealth of international our sporting venues must not only meet the highest technicaland domestic experience in sport, community placemaking standards but also set new global benchmarks for stadiumsand delivering solutions that have lasting impact and address and arena designs in terms of fan engagement and the eventlong-term legacy goals. Together, we are ready to embrace experience. Moreover, these venues need to seamlesslythe design opportunities presented by the 2032 Olympic and integrate into our cities and neighbourhoods, contributingParalympic Games.genuinely and tangibly to our community on non-event days,The following pages showcase the deep-rooted local all while aligning with the 2032 commitment to a climateknowledge and Brisbane experience of Buchan and NRA positive Games. To rise to these challenges, we must adaptCollaborative, complemented by the global stadium experience our design, planning, business, investment and procurementof HKS, Nikken Sekkei and Aurecon, known for projects like processes. SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, the Ariake Centre for the 2020 However, these challenges are also an opportunity toTokyo Games, the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, FC Barcelona showcase our identity, our values and how we do things. It isStadium to name a few. Aurecon has delivered the engineering an opportunity to display our distinctive lifestyle, creativity,design for more stadia and arenas in Australia than any other ingenuity and our intuitive relationship with the naturalengineering firm, including CommBank Stadium and Allianz environment. It is a chance for Brisbanes big country townStadium in Sydney; Marvel Stadium and Melbourne Park; spirit to shine through, fostering a sense of camaraderie Adelaide Oval and RAC Arena in Perth, to name a few. and celebration. This unique blend of local insights and international expertise Meeting these challenges and seizing these opportunitiesallows us to offer a distinctive perspective on sports design, transcends the capacity of any single design practice inbacked by a strong track record of local project delivery.Australia. It would be short-sighted to assume that all theWe look forward to partnering and collaborating with allsolutions can only emerge from a domestic perspective. project stakeholders and industry leaders. Together, we will We have the opportunity to prioritise meaningful engagementdeliver an Olympic and Paralympic Games experience for with our First Nations people and our wider community, givingBrisbane in 2032 that will be remembered as innovative, them a voice in shaping our built environment. Furthermore,unforgettable, and distinctly unique. Its our opportunity to we have the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment demonstrate to the world the remarkable capabilities we to forward thinking and future-proofing as we deliver a possess when we work together in Queensland.lasting legacy.'