b'80 81DUTCHAPPLE PIEMakes 12 slices Preheat oven at 180C, make sure you use both top 450g plain flour and bottom heating elements (dont use fan bake).250g butter (room temperature) Mix eggs in a bowl. 225g caster sugarMix flour, butter, caster sugar, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt and approximatelyof the egg until a smooth 1 tsp vanilla extract dough forms.Pinch of salt Cover the bottom of the spring form pan with baking 2 free-range eggs, lightlypaper and grease the inside.beaten Roll flatof the dough, and use it to cover the base Almond meal, for sprinkling and sides of the spring form pan. Put a layer of almond meal over the dough (this will soak up the 1kg Granny Smith apples moisture coming out of the apple and will prevent the bottom from getting soggy).2 tsp cinnamonPeel and chop apples, place in bowl and add the 1 tsp allspicecinnamon, allspice, dark brown sugar and a few drops 50g dark brown sugarof lemon juice and mix well.Lemon juice Roll out the remaining dough and cut it into strips to cover the top of the cake. If you can be bothered, you can create a braid with three thin pieces for the edge.Bake in oven for an hour. Leave to cool for a good time to make sure the base and sides have hardened enough and the cake wont fall apart when you take it out of the spring form pan.'