b'No Knead Bread300g (2 1/4cups) whiteIn a large bowl, stir together the flours, yeast, and bakers flour, unsifted salt. Add the water with added liquid malt if using. 100g (2/3cup) wholemealMix with a spoon or your hands (open fingers) until flour (or 50g wholemeal andyou have a shaggy, sticky dough. This should take 50g rye for some addedroughly 30 seconds. You want it to be a little sticky.flavour)Cover the bowl with a plate, towel, or plastic wrap 1/4tsp instant dry yeast and set it aside to rest at warm room temperature (but not in direct sunlight) for at least 12 hours and 8g (1 1/4tsp) fine sea saltpreferably about 18 hours. In winter, the dough will 300ml (1 1/3cup) water tend to rise more slowly and may need as long as 24 hours. 1 tsp liquid malt (optional) Youll know the dough is fermented and ready when Seeds to sprinkle (optional) its surface is dotted with bubbles. This long, slow fermentation is what yields the breads rich flavour.Notes:Generously flour your work surface. Use a bowl You can use plain flour butscraper or rubber spatula to turn the dough onto the bakers flour produces a muchsurface in one blob. The dough will cling to the bowl better bread. in long, thread-like strands and it will be quite loose and sticky. This is exactly what you want.The water temperatureLightly work the dough into a flat A4 sized shape.is important and shouldDo not add more flour. Instead use lightly floured be warmer than roomhands to gently and quickly fold the dough onto temperature for the yeast toitself, from left to right, then right to left, top to work - 52C minus the roombottom, and bottom to top.temperature. If using liquid malt, mix with theI normally do this twice and before folding over the water before adding to the drysecond time I sprinkle some pumpkin and sunflower ingredients.seeds. Flip the dough and nudge over to make it round.Thats it. Dont knead the dough.Place the dough on baking paper and put back in the bowl. If theres any excess flour left over on the board, sprinkle over the dough. When the bread is baked it adds a cooked powder effect to the surface. 12'